About HIPAA Answers

HIPAA Answers is a one-stop-shop for the latest HIPAA news and answers to the most frequently asked questions about HIPAA. Whether your organization is an experienced provider of services to healthcare-related industries, or a business entering a healthcare-related industry for the first time, HIPAA Answers can provide you with the information you need to achieve and maintain HIPAA compliance.

One of the key areas of our website for many HIPAA Covered Entities and Business Associates is our coverage of HIPAA violations. Our news reports provide information about how each violation occurred – information that can be used by HIPAA Privacy and Security Officers to review their own systems in order to ensure a similar unauthorized disclosure of PHI could not occur in their organizations.

Our website also provides information about third-party consulting and training services. These types of services have proved particularly useful for businesses entering a healthcare-related industry for the first time, as they provide the help and support a new business needs on a temporary basis until HIPAA compliance is achieved and the business can maintain compliance with HIPAA by itself.