Data Breach Impacted PHI of 3,193 Employees and Dependents


The owner of, a website on bodybuilding and personal fitness, announced a security incident that potentially resulted in the access of customer and employees information by unauthorized people.

Under HIPAA, this type of breach affecting customers is not a reportable ıncident. But HIPAA actually covers group health plans. Therefore, had to report the PHI breach of group members to the Office for Civil Rights. discovered the breach in February 2019 because of suspicious activity found on its network. An official breach investigation was made which showed that its network was accessed as a result of an employee who fell for a phishing scam.

Although it is believed that the data of its customers and staff were not acquired by unauthorized people due to the phishing attack, its possibility could not be totally ruled out. already resolved the breach and secured its systems. All website users’ passwords were subjected to a forced reset as a precaution. For customers, the information possibly obtained included names, email addresses, addresses, telephone numbers, birth dates, profile details, order records, billing and shipping information, and communications with the company.

Current and past employees of the Idaho fitness shop who are the company’s group health plan members had some of their employment-related details exposed. The breach likewise affected enrollees’ beneficiaries and dependents. The exposed data included names, telephone information, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, government ID numbers, group health plan subscriber data, claims data, and procedure codes.

The investigation of the breach ended on April 19, and all affected employees were notified regarding the PHI exposure as a precaution. No report was received concerning misused data to date.

The breach summary was recently posted on the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights breach portal, which states 3,193 current and past employees, dependents, and beneficiaries were affected by the breach.

James Keogh

James Keogh has been writing about the healthcare sector in the United States for several years and is currently the editor of HIPAAnswers. He has a particular interest in HIPAA and the intersection of healthcare privacy and information technology. He has developed specialized knowledge in HIPAA-related issues, including compliance, patient privacy, and data breaches. You can follow James on Twitter and contact James on LinkedIn or email directly at [email protected]